Seko was winning prestigious competitions run : Fukuoka Marathon
(1978-1980 , 1983 ) , Boston Marathon ( 1981 , 1987 ) , London Marathon (
1986 ) , as well as the Chicago Marathon ( 1986 ) . He
is also a world record for sepatu anak perempuan terbaru the printer run 25,000 m ( 1:13:55.8 ) and
30,000 m ( 1:29:18.8 ) , which lasted for three decades and has solved
years ago .
asked the secret of his success , he replied , " I just ran 10
kilometers ( km ) 20 miles every morning and every afternoon . "
Many people do not believe that he was just doing these simple exercises . " Ah .. Which was probably just doing such a simple thing , but managed to become champion and world record scorer ? "
Seko replied , " It's simple but I do it every day , 365 days a year . Modest ? Yeah . Easily ? There ! "
times makes us fail not because we plan too simple nor too complicated ,
but because we are not quite committed to working on our plans . Yes , most of us are just excited at the beginning but started weak , lazy , and reluctant in the middle of the road . As a result , we never get to the top even though it has a great design things .
, to enjoy the great results even more resounding success , we need to
execute the plan with full commitment , consistently . It's like putting a brick like every day , until it becomes a home . Yes , we can not do it half -and-half ; worked when motivated , and ignore it when lazy . It will only hinder our success .
Rarely has anyone actually found what he was looking to the future . However , if it is acquired and becomes an obsession , when engaged , will inevitably produce a remarkable achievement . Is experienced by Elon Musk , co - founder of PayPal .
Obsession is too strong at times like a double-edged sword . On the one hand can be very useful , on the other hand it could also invite disaster . However
, if accompanied with a seriousness that is fostered from an early age ,
obsession will be the sepatu anak perempuan branded murah energy to realize almost any dream . And , itulahyang felt and lived by Elon Musk . An
internet entrepreneur is referred to as true , that since the beginning
of his call that obsession is only related to three things : the
Internet , clean energy , and space .
Birth of Pretoria South Africa June 28, 1971 was as a child was as already found a way to live the dream . His father was an engineer who had inspired him to plunge into the field of information technology from childhood . Imagine , when he was 10 years old , he had bought his own computer . And
, if his peers as a means of making computer games play - especially -
he actually tried to tamper with the computer to create the game . Two years , Musk autodidact learning how to make a computer program . With perseverance , he managed to create a game about space , named Blastar . Uniquely , this game managed to sell a total of U.S. $ 500 . This
is probably a combination of the greatness that was nurtured early in
life Musk , learning perseverance , willingness to innovate , and the
foresight to run a business .
After graduating high school at Pretoria Boys High School , Musk chose to immigrate to Canada . He
did it because he did not want to do military service in South Africa
at that time still dominated by the issue of racist Apartheid . "
I do not refuse to serve the country , but if I just go into the
military to suppress black people , I guess that's not what I was
looking for , " he said at the time. " I want to go to America where many great things allowed to be created . "
In Canada Musk first came to Queen 's University in Kingston , Ontario . Working part-time , Musk tried to meet their needs . He lived only denganUS $ 1 per day . But
his luck soon changed when he received a prestigious scholarship from
the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School of Business . "The cost of college is very expensive , " he said . "
Luckily , they give you a scholarship ... so I'm just looking for money
to cover living expenses , books , etc. , with my job . "
After obtaining a bachelor's degree , he went to school there to get another degree in physics . After graduation , in 1995 , Musk received in high energy physics graduate program at Stanford University . However , when the internet was starting to boom . Therefore , only two days joined the Ph.D. program , he decided it was not sought for his life . Musk had an idea to create a company because he expects the title of the school is not going to make it achieve its goals .
Musk The Innovators
the huge interest in the world of internet and rapid ability to adapt
new technologies , he also founded Zip2 Corporation is engaged in the
provision of software to help via online media publishing . Unmitigated
, with the concept , he immediately got contracts with two major
newspapers in America , New York Times and the Chicago Tribune to help
the media publishing them in cyberspace .
It drove him into the business in the field of internet entrepreneur at the age of 24 years . Although quite successful , he felt compelled to continue to evolve . Because of that , he still lived simply in order to take advantage of the benefits for developing businesses . He called himself at that time chose to sleep on the office couch and a shower in a public bathroom . " It's cheaper than having to rent an apartment , " he said .
When growing , Zip2 also need fresh funds to continue playing . Because of that , he was " forced" to invite investors to fund its pace . Portion of his ownership was reduced. However
, with the development of an ongoing , Zip2 successfully turned into a "
honey " that continues to attract large companies to invest . Finally
, in 1999 , bought Zip2 Compaq Computer Corporation for U.S. $ 307
million , which at the time became the largest Internet -based buyout
firm in the world .
benefits of the transaction proceeds , Musk later founded another
company , , an enterprise to facilitate payments and transactions
that occur in the online world . The company's growing up and then managed to acquire similar companies , Confinity . Through this company , growing money transfer system through the internet known as PayPal . Musk said what was then further developed this as a transaction needs of future P2P or person to person .
again this is the foresight of what was to become an obsession Musk in
the field of internet , which provides something beneficial to the
people and bring many advantages for him . In his hands , a PayPal payment media on the internet most trusted and most widely used for various types of transactions . When
growing, PayPal registered on the exchange and obtain impressive
results when its initial public offering in February 2002 . Because it continues to evolve , eBay , too " tempting " and eventually bought PayPal shares worth U.S. $ 1.5 billion .
Thus , Elon Musk managed to realize his obsession with the various armed with faith, persistence , and tremendous innovation . Now
, to realize other obsession , she gave birth to the next venture ,
SpaceX is engaged in the development of space transportation , and Tesla
Motors to develop electric cars energy efficient . " I'm just doing what I love, and this is an opportunity to fulfill a dream , " he said . Let's wait, what other innovations will be done to create a better world .
There are many who suspect that Hammer branded T - shirt came from abroad . Quality
is maintained and the model is always up - to-date make Hammer has its
own place in the minds of the fans of fashion casual Indonesia since 25
years ago .
Hammer began to emerge in 1987 with a breakthrough model that brave . Distinctive
collar and bright colors , 100 % cotton material , strong stitching ,
and a great model makes this product immediately accepted by the market .
" We have to dare to be sepatu anak perempuan murah different , " said Eddy Hartono , founder of Hammer , on breakthrough models and products. With different, besides mean having a characteristic, also so easy to remember .
According to Eddy , there are some things to consider if you want to succeed in the fashion business . In addition to a strong brand , its quality must be maintained . Innovation
should also continue to run because in the middle of the fashion
industry continues to turbulent market , if it is late anticipating
trends , anyone will soon terlibas . With that principle Hammer debuted until now .
Eddy efforts not only result in a lasting business . But also received numerous awards for his persistence in developing a national product . Last July , the award again come to the hands of Eddy . Self magazine gives award for Hammer as Indonesia Origin Award 2012 for the category of T - shirts and Menswear . This is the umpteenth received awards for their work Eddy to pursue the world of fashion . This award is recognition that he is one of the local products are consistent fighters in its tracks .
" Indonesia is not less quality products of foreign products , " he said . Prove
his belief that he did while juxtaposing the counter next to the
counter international brand in several prestigious shopping centers in
Jakarta . "
Although the price of my product Rp 200 thousands and their products
more than a million a piece , but my turnover is greater than them , "
he said . Things like this that convince Eddy that the fashion business has a bright future . Just how to manage the business to be competitive in the middle of the competition is so tight .
Eddy is also consistent in the fashion business lines since the start 30 years ago . Even if doing development , he prefers to diversify horizontally market with different segments glance . From here comes the brand new clothing companion Nail Hammer namely , Coconut Island , and Mangosteen . The four brands that he managed under the umbrella of PT Color Mardhika established in 1987 . With
a network of more than 200 retail counters across Indonesia , the
fourth distribution of its products has now penetrated all corners of
the archipelago .
Indonesian products
Who is Eddy Hartono ? Men born in Pontianak , 62 years ago it was , so love domestic products . Besides
supporting its own fashion products in order to compete with
international brands , her passion for domestic products are also in the
collection he showed his art . In his wide spread hundreds of beautiful paintings ranging from the work of a young painter Affandi to Indonesia . None of the paintings there are from outside artists . " The work of Indonesian artists are not less good , " he said .
get a collection of paintings he did not hesitate to hunt it down to
the galleries or painting studios in the area , such as Yogyakarta . He also frequently visited national painting auction to find the painting you want collected. According
to him , who else is going to love the works of the children of
Indonesia in addition to the Indonesian people themselves .
figure represents national employers desperately enforce domestic
product in order to be loved and be proud of in the country . Therefore , whenever there is a national product campaigns , Eddy Hartono always trying to look ahead . Including support of the Department of Commerce entitled " 100 % Cinta Indonesia " .
When 9 -year -old Jesse Conners parents joined a cult group who believe that the world will soon end . Follow the orders of the cult they sold all their possessions and wander around the United States to live up to Mexico . sepatu anak perempuan online Somehow , his father finally find a new livelihood . Conners while in high school , his father runs an alternative health clinic . Conners himself helped to market . Even at the age of 16 years he has been managing his own 13 health clinics with annual revenues of up to U.S. $ 80,000 .
Of income as he then invest it in real estate . 2001 when Donald Trump held a television program The Apprentice , he appeared as participants . Despite not winning the competition program , she was lucky enough to be studying business there . Besides his name is so popular . Because he also got the opportunity so investment real estate speaker on various occasions .
In 2008 the idea emerged . He opened an online store for luxury goods with a membership system , . Even so , the new shot when loaded in a number of business media in 2010 . In 2011, this effort has reached a value of U.S. $ 1 million .
Diligence to develop the business , according to Conners who is now aged 29 years , driven by tough times in childhood . Difficulties to keep her dream to become a successful entrepreneur . Every chance he jajagi . There are many that fail . But he failed not matter . " In this life there are always those shots that led to us so that we come out ( of life ) . It also happens in the business . Do not let the pressure we reverse . Try again , and start again , " he said about his business tips .
With his achievements , Kiplinger magazine placed into one of six successful American businessman who set off from the bottom .
His name is less familiar with the name of the people of Indonesia , except for his middle name , Suhardono . Rene Suhardono Canoneo , a figure that's pretty sepatu anak perempuan lucu much fills the world later career and life in a variety of media . In
fact , some time ago , he had to share a room as a filler show seminar
seminar " Innovation & Creativity " that invites great figure Steve
Wozniak , partner of the late Steve Jobs in Apple rearing . From
the stage with Wozniak chance alone would be a sort of " trademark "
that Rene ( e who first reads like a call from the complete e , e are
both read as calling e of the economy ) is called being " bounced " and
much in demand.
His name has become as Java language translation , rene alias here . That
way , it looks like it is " destined " to be a person who always can "
invite " others , either through the story of life , the search , to
tips about career - titled UltimateU - he wrote in Kompas every
Saturday. No doubt , look for her interview schedule was pretty tough . However , all was redeemed by the inspiration of life emerging from short interviews with extraordinary Magazine some time ago .
Speaking of destiny , Rene admitted that he once had a very amazing experience with the " grand design " of the Almighty . " My real dad Filipinos , the father who raised me Yogya . My biological father was separated from the mother when I was very young . This I know because I used to learn about in school had blood type . But I keep it because I grew up in a family full of love and abundance , " he said story . "
Then came the desire to find root my identity , not my parents do not
respect , I want to find out exactly where I am so I can picture him
where his direction . Finally caught the father in the Philippines . At
that time I was desperate to get there just having enough money for 6
days and Alhamdulillah on the 5th day I met with the biological father
after having 17 chance that if examined with any theory not possible
without any grand design of God . It began as I woke up late so can not ration of hotels that have breakfast outside . When going to breakfast , eat kesenggol and fall . Incidentally it together with some sort of statistical bureau officer there . Then take a taxi , happened to mention that the family nyupirin my real dad . "
a realization , namely that every creature in the world that was
created with the specific intent has been determined by God . " No way God created us carelessly . " Rene then said , that he felt that he was created by a " task " . From where does the search for the search . All of that drove her to later become a career coach who has a unique view about careers . And , from that long journey , he met that the journey of life is long and continues to experience a variety of searches . Rene also admitted , that experience later inspired him to later make " acquainted " with more passion and purpose in life . Two terms is then ditularkannya everywhere , as a form of devotion to inspire people .
Through that process , he is now with the " easy " to see happiness . "
The essence of a happy do not have to be pursued , because it matters
now and happy here , not later , but now , " he said lightly .
Happy version of Rene
Rene figure itself does look always cheerful . For first-time know , will soon be easier mengakrabinya . " The first requirement for an interview with me do not call me ' sir ' , Rene alone . More
so happy , " he said before beginning talks with Exceptional Magazine
editorial team , so that intimacy was soon established.
You could say , Rene changed " merely " interview to be " happy " with his version . Sometimes , mild joke was ejected from his story . Dituturkannya story , to describe how happy it easy to get anywhere. Calls , there is a very rich met with homeless are relaxed , while whistling and enjoying life . Used
to working hard , then greets the rich bum and told him to change the
fate of the high school , then work , pursuing positions , building his
own business , until eventually will be able to relax after getting it
all . Casually
, the wino said, if all the edges just to relax , he himself now felt
it was back, relax , and get happiness by the way .
these stories , Rene was about to ask while strengthening the "
analysis " of his , namely that to get happiness is actually very simple
. " Do not look anywhere , because it has no true happy inside . Live , how to make sense of our own decisions as to what happy , " he said . " To me the highest pleasure is when we know who we are . When can discover ourself , when finding yourself , how can you find the clarity to where , not the goal , but his clarity . But it must be admitted , it is easier to recognize people wear a more luxurious Mercedes than Avanza . People living in New Kebayoran more cool than in Jiung ( Kemayoran ) , and so on . So easy often cover the essence . Therefore,
we do not just surrender to the easy , but must seek what really
matters in life , then we will find a lot of happiness . "
Thus , Rene easily " quips " environmental stigma that sometimes plunges on false happiness . Rank, position , wealth , he is not one to be pursued . But actually , there are far more important to be realized , the dive itself . " In this concept not be becoming the best , but be yourself best . Being ourselves as well as possible . For me , success is when someone actually serve the need of the world . Successful
it was when he became her best and she serves the needs of the world (
without it , it means there is still no moral ground ; inside do
anything , no matter no matter how successful , you practically everyone
else ) . "